This day has been a long time coming for us here at Pulse. The 2012 PEV0 is the culmination of thousands of hours of research, engineering design, machining and production (not to mention some good ol' blood, sweat and tears). We are proud to announce the official debut of the 2012 Pulse PEV0 on August 28th from 2:00-5:00 PM at the Student Activities Fair in the Petersen Event Center at the University of Pittsburgh. We'll be out there the whole time showing off the PEV0 and demonstrating the technology used to create this brand new vehicle. Come join us to learn about what makes the PEV0 simply the best vehicle for commuting around a busy city such as Pittsburgh. And don't forget, we're still taking applications for beta testing of the new PEV0 line through December of 2011.
Pedaling Biker Dude
2/6/2012 11:29:05 pm

I like the idea of not using a gas guzzling 4 wheeled vehicle (i.e. taking notes from the Euro crowd), but your beta testers are pushing a fine line and seem to me to be on the wrong side: acting like a bunch of stunt drivers (or pedaling bikers who can at least claim they move under their own power)--they should take lessons from the scooter (or motorcycle) crowd. Just my opinion (and plea to not mess things up for the only-pedaling people).

4/22/2013 09:53:30 pm

The products from Pulse Motors are looking innovative and futuristic. The bikes that you made are looking cool and very much apt for every age group. PEVO is one of the new and innovative product from pulse motors. Thank you.

8/12/2013 06:50:45 pm

You have offered great information in your post and some things I have not seen in other content I have read by my friends

8/27/2013 03:00:20 pm

It is a magnificent event! We are grateful for this debut of Pulse PEV0 at the Student Activities Fair in the Petersen Event Center at the University of Pittsburgh. Thank you a lot for sharing with us.

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