It is our goal to provide affordable, quality two-wheeled electric vehicles to the Pittsburgh community in a hassle-free way. We think we've hit the new nail on the head with our new electric vehicle program, but just to be sure we are running a beta-testing period to iron out the kinks. That means we are looking for responsible, excited beta testers in the Pittsburgh area to help us by taking one of our new electric vehicles, the PEV0, out for a few days or weeks and giving us some much appreciated feedback and what you liked or what could be improved. Interested in helping us? We thought that might be up your alley. Just fill out our beta-tester application and you'll be in line to be considered for one of our coveted beta-tester spots. We look forward to hearing more about what you think of our new startup. Leave us a few words in the comment section below, or feel free to email us at Contact[at]
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